SFC Victoria (Society for Football Culture)

Friday, February 17, 2006

World Cup Countdown Quiz #4

Only 112 days to go!

1. You've got to have guts to call a penalty after only 1 minute of a World Cup final game, and against the home team, no less. But that's what England's Jack Taylor did in 1974.

What team did he call it against?

A) Holland
B) Brazil
C) West Germany

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C) West Germany. Uli Hoeness fouled Johan Cruyff of Holland. Taylor later called a penalty against Holland, which the Germans converted, and Germany later won the game through a goal by Gerd Mueller (below).

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2. The first World Cup game I remember watching was the Spain 1982 semifinal between France and Germany, a classic game which featured Germany coming from two goals behind in extra time to tie the game 3:3.

The game was marred by a brutal challenge on Patrick Battiston of France during extra time which left Battiston missing a few teeth and the German goaltender, who committed the foul, completely unpunished.

The German goaltender who committed the foul was:

A) Bodo Illgner
B) Eike Immel
C) Toni Schumacher

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C) Toni Schumacher. The Germans won the game on penalty kicks but lost a lot of support.

When asked about Battiston's lost teeth, Schumacher said, "I'll pay for his dental work."

3. Still controversial after 40 years (and the subject of some scientific research) is the 3:2 goal for England against Germany in the 1966 World Cup final.

Who scored the goal?

A) Geoff Hurst
B) Bobby Moore
C) Martin Peters


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A) Geoff Hurst. This goal was the second of three for Hurst who was only appearing in his eighth game for England and was not a regular on the national team.

Bonus question. I couldn't work a picture of German model Heidi Klum in this week, but Twiggy was popular in England around the time of the 1966 World Cup.

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Twiggy's real name is

A) Leslie Hornby
B) Samantha Taylor
C) Penelope Wallace

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A) Leslie Hornby


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